[nycphp-talk] Slightly OT: source example for vertical multi-layer menu???

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Thu Jan 18 14:51:42 EST 2007

At 02:34 PM 1/18/2007, R. Mariotti wrote:

>Fellow PHP'ers:
>Most of my web based application menus are accomplished using css 
>only and they usually suffice.  I have a requirement to insert a 2nd 
>level on some of the items.  I've been looking at js examples for 
>such things for a couple of days now and I'm no further ahead.

One of the best sites I've come across that has many examples of CCS 
based menus is 
Listamatic  <>. Check 
out the links to other sites on that page also.

If you want to go all the way to Javascript, you might want to look 
into the Yahoo Developer User Interface 
<>, especially the menu interface 


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