[nycphp-talk] Never heard that term: Viet Nam of programming

Kenneth Downs ken at
Wed Jan 24 15:42:58 EST 2007

tedd wrote:
> Interesting characterization -- Obviously, it's not Vietnam, but 
> instead those who served in Vietnam that are the object of that 
> characterization.  Are Vietnam Vets commonly thought of as "getting 
> hooked on it and start dreaming big dreams and nothing gets done"? 
> Just wondering why Vietnam Vets are thought of in such terms.

No, actually the characterization is generally understood to be aimed at 
the politicians and policy makers who got into an "unwinnable" 
situation.   The analogy to ORM is that it is a strategy that cannot 
achieve its goals because of some fundamental mis-understanding of the 
reality of the situation.
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