[nycphp-talk] Never heard that term: Viet Nam of programming

Kenneth Downs ken at
Wed Jan 24 21:35:52 EST 2007

tedd wrote:
> At 3:42 PM -0500 1/24/07, Kenneth Downs wrote:
>> tedd wrote:
>>> Interesting characterization -- Obviously, it's not Vietnam, but 
>>> instead those who served in Vietnam that are the object of that 
>>> characterization.  Are Vietnam Vets commonly thought of as "getting 
>>> hooked on it and start dreaming big dreams and nothing gets done"? 
>>> Just wondering why Vietnam Vets are thought of in such terms.
>> No, actually the characterization is generally understood to be aimed 
>> at the politicians and policy makers who got into an "unwinnable" 
>> situation.   The analogy to ORM is that it is a strategy that cannot 
>> achieve its goals because of some fundamental mis-understanding of 
>> the reality of the situation.
> Ahhh... thanks for the explanation. I agree.
> I hope you can understand that the metaphor can be taken more ways 
> that one.

I should have put in a few disclaimers before saying it.  Which I must 
note to Chuck's credit, he was much more careful in his presentation 
than I was in the OP. 

Thanks for the reply, cheers!

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