[nycphp-talk] IDE help switching from Windows to MAC

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Thu Jan 25 08:36:36 EST 2007

Thanks to all the responses so far. I am going to try to catalog my
switchover - perhaps it will make a nice phundamental for the group.
So far, it has been fairly painless:
1. Native OSX Apache
2. http:// <>
   This included important extensions I need like GD, mCrypt and mHash -
keep track of your extensions
3. MySQL from MySQL - would be nice to have a start/stop widget like the
one in MAMP
4. phpMyadmin - painless
(could have used for a lot of this)
5. php Interactive - a great little testing sandbox
   First gotcha - default php install did not support short open names
<?, only <?php. This threw me for a bit. Lovely way to barf all your
code to the browser.
   Second gotcha - what those file/folder permissions
6. Zend Studio - painless so far, have not tried debugging yet.
Find/Replace shortcut keys are different, arggg!
7. Installed svnX for Subversion client
Day two.
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