[nycphp-talk] unbelievable

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Tue Jan 30 22:10:47 EST 2007

I've had an intro procedural programming course that used Python and  
an object-oriented programming course that used Java.  I've been  
using PHP at work for about four years.

It seemed to me that Python was more similar to PHP than Java.  Java  
seemed liked a different animal.  That's sort of why I was leaning  
toward Java since I thought it might be helpful to broaden my  
programming horizons.

Would you agree with that, or am I off-base with my understanding of  
the languages?

Thanks for the good luck wish, I'll probably need it.  =)


On Jan 30, 2007, at 10:03 PM, edward potter wrote:

> Python rocks, but for sure get some Java experience under your belt  
> too.
> Good luck!  :-) ed
> On 1/30/07, Aaron Fischer <agfische at> wrote:
>> I'm taking an artificial intelligence class and we can do the
>> assignments in Python, Java, or C++.  I was leaning toward Java but
>> your post makes me want to lean toward Python.  Hmmm...
>> -Aaron
>> On Jan 30, 2007, at 9:45 PM, edward potter wrote:
>> > So what am I doing?  I am diving FULL blast into Python, and the
>> > Django frame work. Major Python shops?  Google, yahoo, and youtube.
>> > Yes, I'll still use php, in fact it's Wordpress, MediaWiki, and  
>> just
>> > about any ecommerce application out there, In fact, every  
>> project I'm
>> > working on now is php based - BUT I'M AM SORRY to say, with at  
>> least
>> > 6+ years with php under my belt, I think it's time to move on.
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