[nycphp-talk] Questions to ask at a job interview?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Jul 9 17:21:50 EDT 2007

P. Ju (朱漢璇) |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm new to this list but not to PHP. I've been architecting and
> developing Web applications and networked software products for about
> 17 years and have had the good fortune to work for some very
> interesting clients such as Nike, BMG Direct, the Chicago Tribune,
> Lycos, &c.
> I've also conducted programming skill assessments which resulted in
> stronger candidate matches for fast paced projects. However, I've also
> interviewed candidates whom I thought were weak technically and poor
> choices, but with whom the hiring manager had long-term relationships.
> Guess what? Those candidates worked hard, got up to speed, and ended
> up being valuable long term investments!
> I agree with Urb in that I'd much rather see a third variable for the
> value-swapping question than the "xor" which obfuscates the code. Only
> in extreme resource duress (embedded systems, PDAs, watch PCs :) would
> I resort to obfuscation for optimization, and when I do I always feel
> a slight pang of guilt.
> Thanks for this resource, and I hope to meet you all when I re-move to
> NYC (grew up there, left a decade ago) in July/August!
> Regards,
> Patricia Ju

Fermi questions are well respected 
(, but 
the bottom line is YOU do the hiring and YOU suffer the consequences (or 
reap the rewards). Someone once said "A" people hire "A" people, and "B" 
people hire "C" people :-)

I think the environment has more impact on the development of an 
individual as a worker than the hiring process or the technical skills 
at hire time. So hire accordingly. But hey, that's just me :-)

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