[nycphp-talk] Creating a MySQL DataBase using/through php script. Can anybody help??

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Wed Jul 11 11:46:33 EDT 2007

Hi Paul,

You've gotten some good answers on your actual question, so I won't 
repeat them.  But as an important side note, watch out what you copy 
from the books.  This line is terribly risky:

> $rs1 = @mysql_query( $_REQUEST['db'] ); 

If, for example, I requested the script as 
it is would attempt to drop the mysql database (and hopefully you're not 
connecting to mysql as a user who could actually do that...)

See this great article from Chris Shiflett on why user input should 
always be filtered and escaped:

I realize you copied most of this code out of the book, and that's no 
shame -- learning by example is one of the best ways to do it.  It's a 
shame that the author has published code examples like this.

- Allen

PaulCheung wrote:
> Using Mike McGrath's book "PHP 5 in easy steps" ...  and the
> example from the website 
> <!-- example for PHP 5.0.0 final release -->
> <?php
> $conn = @mysql_connect( "localhost", "paul", "enter" )
> or die( "Sorry - could not connect to MySQL" );
> $rs1 = @mysql_query( $_REQUEST['db'] );
> $rs2=  @mysql_list_dbs($conn);

Allen Shaw
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