[nycphp-talk] Resize pictures before uploading

Dell Sala dell at
Sun Jul 15 17:08:21 EDT 2007

On Jul 15, 2007, at 2:42 PM, csnyder wrote:

> On 7/12/07, Dell Sala <dell at> wrote:
>> Check out
>> This is a surprisingly powerful and easy-to-use online image editor.
>> All implemented in flash. Basic accounts are free.
> Too cute for words. But it doesn't do anything about
> resizing/resampling pictures before uploading.

True enough.

>> One cool feature is that you can email the image somewhere after
>> you've finished editing it. I've been toying with the idea of
>> implementing a CMS tool that supports image uploads through a pop
>> account. The idea would be, after you've finished editing your image
>> in picnic, you would email it to upload at SOMDOMAIN.COM, and the CMS
>> application would automatically check that mailbox for new images.
>> Probably some security issues with this though... any thoughts?
> Yeah, how do you keep someone from publishing personal enhancement
> product ads to your CMS? It should be trivially easy to fake an email
> from picnik, or for that matter to just use picnik to spam in the
> first place.

I got this idea from backpack

They provide an email api for adding to page content. They get around  
the security issue by randomly generating a reasonably long and  
complex mailbox name for each page that you create.

ex: mouse55allice at

They also make it easy to regenerate the mailbox name with a single  
click if you believe it has been compromised.

-- Dell

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