[nycphp-talk] Oh... Interviewing

charlie derr cderr at
Mon Jul 23 10:08:57 EDT 2007

tedd wrote:
> At 11:11 PM -0400 7/20/07, CED wrote:
>> Thoughts?
> I wouldn't take your test either.
> Examine my resume, ask for experience and/or even give me a take-home 
> test, but don't test me on what I know in the interview other than 
> discussing general concepts.
> I have a MSc (which included courses in vector calculus) and I had one 
> employer after reviewing my resume wanted me to take a math fractions 
> test. I declined and I was history -- what did that test prove or to 
> whom's benefit did it serve? Few HR get it right.
> Cheers,
> tedd

Perhaps the test did exactly what it was supposed to.  My assumption is that the company which attempted to give you the test 
wanted not only someone that they could *verify* had certain technical skills, but they also wanted someone who wouldn't be a 
"social" problem.   By also weeding out the people who refused to take the test, perhaps they thought they'd be getting a certain 
kind of worker (one less likely to complain about certain tasks).

I won't try to argue that that's how *I* would hire someone (I'm not that convinced that a test score means much), rather trying 
to look at the bigger picture.

	just my .0199999...


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