[nycphp-talk] nyc php classes (night/long format)

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Wed Jun 13 09:08:20 EDT 2007

I am recommending, as best as you can lookup and use only coding
examples that program with classes. Don't avoid it, go straight to it.
Learn everything in context of classes, your potential hourly rate 9
months from now will ikely be 33% higher than what you might get without
class knowledge. And my impression is that there is not a job posting
anymore that doesn't call for classes. 

A young turk should know the new stuff. Learn only the newest version of
everything software, meaning e.g. PHP 6 and 5 over version 4.x. Never
bother to learn old versions. By the time you get competitive nobody is
gonna care that you know old versions of software. 

Use multi-page tutorials on the internet that show how to build a login
section or make a basic mailer app. When you look these up with google,
you might try to use the advanced search filter by date feature and stay
with things posted within the last year to stay out of old ideas and
techniques since marked as bad paractice.

Get a book that shows several rudimetary projects done with classes and
step by step coding. 

Look up all you function related questions on Often if you look
at related functions you will find user contributions that answer your
needs too. Ultimately, usually answers everything. You'll find a
lot of other answer sites source from anyway.

And, of course, yes, this list is pedigree for answers. Contibutors are
awake all over the world 24 hrs, 7 days with answers often showing up
within an hour. And if you cloak all questions as somehow related to a
PHP issue, you can get excellent answers to RegExp, SQL, XML, AJAX and
even CSS from people who a clearly expert. 

Meanwhile, like Jim Cramer be prepared for drinking some cheap dark
Scotch by yourself down on the cold linoleum floor. 

Warmest regards, 
Peter Sawczynec 
Technology Dir. 
Web related services 
ps at

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Jeremy Campbell
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 5:34 PM
To: talk at
Subject: [nycphp-talk] nyc php classes (night/long format)

the classes at nyphp seem really good, but i'm a little hesitant to  
enroll in an intensive 2-day thing. would prefer something evenings,  
drawn out over a few weeks. gives more time to let things sink in and  
come up with questions. does anyone have any recommendations?

as far as background, i've been doing front end development (hand  
coding html) for many years so i know my way around a text-editor and  
understand a lot of the basic principles of php but i have never  
attempted a php project on my own and am pretty hazy with anything  
concerning databases.


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