[nycphp-talk] Form PRG revisited -- again

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Fri Jun 15 14:35:14 EDT 2007

>> Interesting. This indicates that you are not doing a redirect to display
>> form errors, or are you? To eliminate the back/reload problem, shouldn't all
>> views be redirected after a post, whether a success or error?
> I'm not sure that you have a back/reload problem. Since the POST
> didn't actually change anything, it's more like a GET. The user can
> hit reload as much as she wants, the form still won't be submitted.

In this case, submission isn't the issue. It's just that annoying message
that pop up when you use the reload button on a post. I bet 9 out of ten
people don't really know what it means.

> In the case I mentioned where file upload is lost, I have found myself
> taking advantage of the back button so that I can fix the values and
> resubmit without having to browse for the file again.

This is a good case where the back button makes a lot of sense.

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