[nycphp-talk] Javascript & PHP

Morgan Craft morgan at
Thu Jun 21 12:08:02 EDT 2007

really hard to debug this without any code provided.  It could be 
numerous things...  Your javascript could be clearing your form data 
before submit?  How do you have the onEvent handles configured for your 
javascript?   Also, there could be things wrong with your server-side 
logic.  Do you have your echo statements wrapped in any logic that are 
dependent on the request variables?  Maybe your echo statements are 
skipped because something happened to one of the request values?  What 
type of echo statements are you using?  Have you tried doing 
print_r($_POST) or print_r($_REQUEST).  Gotta give us something more to 
run with on this one :)

PaulCheung wrote:
> I have put together an HTML form that uses Javascript which works 
> well. However when I fill it in and fire it off to my PHP script 
> (which for the purpose of testing simply echos what was entered in to 
> the form) it cannot find the entered data; But when I strip out the 
> Javascript and the fields that uses the javascript my PHP 
> script happly echos back what was entered into the form. does anubody 
> know what I am doing wrong??
> Paul
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