[nycphp-talk] Javascript & PHP

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Fri Jun 22 18:16:08 EDT 2007

At 06:21 AM 6/22/2007, PaulCheung wrote:
>I have to thank everybody for helping me and I do appreciate all the 
>help I also take onboard that it is difficult to debug anything you 
>cannot see. So I have included 3 files the HTML with JavaScript in, 
>another HTML with the JavaScript stripped out and (I would not 
>insult Mickey Mouse) a PHP test script to echo back what has been 
>entered. albeit only the first field using "HELLO WORLD".

I saw two problems with the source containing the Javascript:
1) You have a line of dashes in the Javascript which don't seem to 
commented. The Firebug debugger throws an error on that line.

2) Your <form> tag is incorrect. You have commas between the 
attributes instead of spaces. Using the FF addon LiveHTTPheaders 
shows the form values passed by the GET method. Remove the commas and 
it should work fine. You don't have commas in the stripped version.

<form action="testreport.php" id="primary" method="post">


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