[nycphp-talk] de-moronizing an Excel sheet

David Mintz vtbludgeon at
Mon Mar 5 15:05:34 EST 2007

I wanted to avoid the extra step of exporting to text, as in fact I've done
in the past. And I expect to have to repeat the procedure in the future.
But.... maybe that's the way to go after all.

Thanks for the suggestions!

On 3/5/07, Alvaro P. <apg88zx at> wrote:
> Just be careful if you're exporting CSV's in a mac and using fgetcsv().
> You will need to set "auto_detect_line_endings = On" on the php.ini or
> the line breaks will be ignored.
> Alvaro
> Susan Shemin wrote:
> > I see there are fancy classes to handle this...
> >
> > But why not use the old-fashioned way and export your Excel data in a
> > CSV format and import it into MySQL?  I do it all the time with
> > locally inserting Office data into a MySQL database and creating
> > backups for my database.
> >
David Mintz

En Nueva York el tránsito de la belleza a la desolación sucede siempre
expeditivamente, como si el principio universal de máxima eficiencia hubiera
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  -- Antonio Muñoz Molina, Ventanas de Manhattan
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