[nycphp-talk] [ot] Managed Hosting for PHP App.

Anthony anthony at
Thu Mar 8 01:48:54 EST 2007

Hi Hans,

If I were you, I'd stay away from RackShack. While they appear to be a 
fairly good company to provide managed hosting, I was told they also are 
blacklisted by many ISP's for allowing their customers to spam.

Right now, we're looking for a hosting solution for a new webmail program 
we're deploying. We're looking seriously at RackSpace ( 
Amazon also seems to be about to change the hosting landscape with their EC2 
service. Check it out too.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hans C. Kaspersetz" <hans at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:44 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] [ot] Managed Hosting for PHP App.

> Who is the Managed Dedicated Hosting provider of choice today?  I have a 
> quote from RackShack and would like to seek some competitive bids.  Since 
> Cyber X Designs typically provides the hosting services, I am not sure who 
> to go to for quotes.
> So what does this have to do with PHP?  We developed an airline 
> reservation system for regional carrier in Alaska.  The system is written 
> with PHP/MySQL.  It includes booking, ticketing, servicing, frequent 
> flyers, corporate accounts, ect.  It is pretty damn cool and the customer 
> is out growing their current hosting solution and I am tasked with finding 
> another hosting provider.
> I know this topic is covered every couple of months on the list.  I am 
> looking for timely recommendations from experience, I know you guys must 
> be provisioning these services for your clients and employers.
> Thanks in advance,
> Hans Kaspersetz
> Cyber X Designs
> Denville, NJ
> Looking for a web design company in New Jersey? 
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