[nycphp-talk] [ot] Managed Hosting for PHP App.

Paul Houle paul at
Thu Mar 8 07:09:35 EST 2007

Anthony wrote:
> Hi Hans,
> If I were you, I'd stay away from RackShack. While they appear to be a 
> fairly good company to provide managed hosting, I was told they also 
> are blacklisted by many ISP's for allowing their customers to spam.
> Right now, we're looking for a hosting solution for a new webmail 
> program we're deploying. We're looking seriously at RackSpace 
> ( Amazon also seems to be about to change the 
> hosting landscape with their EC2 service. Check it out too.
    Just about everybody who has multiple customers that send email to 
anybody is on AOL's blacklist.

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