[nycphp-talk] Friendly URL, Ajax, and SEO

Kenneth Downs ken at
Thu Mar 8 10:35:57 EST 2007

Mark, web searches on "js graceful degradation" and related terms are 
getting me a lot of blog entries about *whether* to do it, but not much 
about *how*, can you offer a link that gives the basic howto of putting 
both kinds of links on the page?  Thanks.

Mark Armendariz wrote:
> I like to back-load all my ajax on top of already working pages, so for
> instance I might have:
> And clicking on a headline on that page with js disabled would go to
> But clicking on it with js enabled would just load the story dynamically.
> Keeps everyone happy - including your visitors of the arachnid family.
> Mark Armendariz
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: talk-bounces at 
>> [mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Kenneth Downs
>> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:04 AM
>> To: NYPHP Talk
>> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Friendly URL, Ajax, and SEO
>> Lately I'm wondering about best designs when balancing things 
>> like a friendly URL, Ajax, and SEO.  It seems there are some 
>> contradictory indications.
>> First, friendly URLs are great if for no reason than log analysis. 
>> However, friendly URLs are supposedly better for SEO also 
>> (besides all the other stuff for SEO).
>> The rub is that I'd like to start moving over to AJAX for 
>> CMS-related stuff, such as loading a news article when the 
>> user clicks on a headline. But this seems like it make the 
>> site very search engine un-friendly. 
>> Anybody care to comment on the problem as a whole?  Is it an 
>> either/or choice?
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