[nycphp-talk] Microsoft Access application conversion recommendations

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Mar 9 17:24:16 EST 2007

Timothy Boyden wrote:
> Hi All,
> I will be starting on a project to convert a fairly extensive 
> Microsoft Access based application to a web based version. This 
> application was internally built to manage all manner of details 
> regarding our franchisee operations (financials, reporting, CRM, 
> etc..). It uses MS Access forms with a tabbed structure and various 
> form elements. The application will be hosted on a Network Solutions 
> shared hosting server that has an Apache 1.x, MySQL 4.1.x, and PHP 
> 4.1.x back-end. The MS Access application uses an MS SQL 2000 
> Enterprise database for data storage.
> I could use some recommendations on tools that will help me convert 
> this app as quickly as possible. Everything from IDEs to conversion 
> utilities are on the table. Unfortunately changing the web 
> infrastructure is not.

Hmm, why not just leave it as-is?  Whatever you may think of MS Access 
(I'm not a big fan myself), its got to be simpler and easier than 
splitting it into 3 pieces and using older versions of all three. 

What is the motivation for doing this?  Just to get web access?   If so, 
use Terminal Services.

Shared hosting?  The project doesn't warrant its own server?  Doesn't 
add up.  If its that big and is contributing to the bottom line one 
would think it could justify a server and the admin's choice of tools, 
languages, etc.

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