[nycphp-talk] Support Ticket Sytem

Nicholas Tang ntang at
Fri May 18 10:18:20 EDT 2007

This is a really interesting concept.  How would you deal with a.)
priorities, b.) due dates, c.) simultaneous multiple users, and finally
d.) performance?

(The reason I ask about the last point is because we currently have ~200
non-closed (open, new, stalled, etc.) tickets, some of which have
threads 20+ replies long.  Even with an average of 2 replies per ticket,
that's still 600 emails, which would have to be read in, parsed, and
processed every time a user does anything.  Admittedly for just updating
tickets I'd assume it's ok if there's a delay, but when you're trying to
read through a ticket's history or do some queue management, it sounds
pretty ugly.)


> -----Original Message-----
> That's no problem. There's a bunch of things you can do. The 
> procmailrc or the input script could simply pass on anything 
> that doesn't have at least one of a list of keywords (e.g. 
> the product name). You would still get the message in the 
> inbox but it wouldn't trigger the ticket routines. You might 
> get a few false negatives but you're almost guaranteed to 
> eliminate the spams. You can also whitelist senders you replied to.
> Mike

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