[nycphp-talk] IDE recommendations

Mark Armendariz lists at
Fri May 25 12:17:12 EDT 2007

> I currently do the development on Windope, but I plan to 
> redistribute the usage of my PCs in such a way as that I can 
> reduce the number of Windope boxes in favour of (K)Ubuntu.

Have win32 on my desktop and Ubuntu on my laptop which is why I went after
eclipse, which works pretty much the same cross platform (with some minor
inconsitencies, but nothing memorable thus far)

> But I do want some project management

Eclipse Mylar

> , a debugger

Eclipse PDT

>, and a link 
> between code word and PHP manual

Eclipse PDT: Mouseover for a description or Shift+F2 for the manual (browser
tab in the ide)

Sorry, don't mean to over-sell, but if more people use it I'm hoping it will
make it to 1.0 a little faster.


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