[nycphp-talk] IDE recommendations

David Krings ramons at
Fri May 25 14:10:11 EDT 2007

Mark Armendariz wrote:
>> But I do want some project management
> Eclipse Mylar
>> , a debugger
> Eclipse PDT
>> , and a link 
>> between code word and PHP manual
> Eclipse PDT: Mouseover for a description or Shift+F2 for the manual (browser
> tab in the ide)
> Sorry, don't mean to over-sell, but if more people use it I'm hoping it will
> make it to 1.0 a little faster.
> Mark

Nah, I think the Eclipse thingie is really slick and I gave PDT a spin 
as well. Of course, I cannot do an in depth analysis in half an hour, 
but since I know what I'm used to, what I want, and what I am looking 
for in an IDE, I get a good first impression.
Unfortunately, PDT is similar to the other PHP solutions bolted onto 
Eclipse. It seems never to work out for me, for example, I couldn't get 
the debugger to work and after reading some docu and googling around I 
already got annoyed. So much for an "out of the box" solution.

I did hear back from Mr. Lucka at Luckasoft and he explained what their 
motivation and plans are. The difference supposedly is between the free 
and commercial version of dbg and Luckasoft doesn't sell enough licenses 
to warrant the investment into the commercial version. Mr. Lucka wrote 
that after three years of selling EnginSite PHP they recovered about 1/3 
of their development expenses. I didn't want to go down the path and 
discuss with him why that most likely happened that way. Luckasoft makes 
  money selling software for product packaging, a PHP IDE is a side 
product that they apparently work on in slow times. Mr. Lucka was so 
nice to point out PHPEdit from WaterProof ( It is 
reasonably priced (80$) and seems to not require the annoying start/stop 
of the debugger at script start. I put it through a quick test and I 
really like it. This is for sure one candidate that offers the features 
I want at a price I am willing to pay. I will compare it against 
NuSphere PHPEd Pro which strikes me a bit overpriced for what it can do.

I'll report back.


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