[nycphp-talk] Learning SQL - Resources & Recommendations

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Nov 2 23:21:29 EDT 2007

David Krings |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Paul Houle wrote:
>> If you want to write mad queries,  try Joe Celko's "SQL for Smarties":
> Just be warned, Mr. Celko thinks that those who aren't as skilled in 
> SQL as he is are bloody idiots with no right to live, and those who 
> are skilled like he is are just a bunch of a**holes who have no clue. 
> Just alone based on his disrespect towards everyone else who stops 
> short of calling him 'god' I can't really recommend his books. I got 
> Celko's "SQL Programming Style", which was the worst buy ever. It is 
> page after page a constant dissing and ranting about 'others' who 
> based on his account are so stupid that they should be shot. That guy 
> is for sure a genius, because he is quite a few cards short of a full 
> deck. Oh, needless to say, I find that book totally useless.
> I got warned, but didn't listen....
> David 

Gee, David you just blew any chance you had of selling that book on the 
PHP list!


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