[nycphp-talk] detecting Java Script from within a PHP script.

Urb LeJeune urb at
Fri Nov 16 08:58:26 EST 2007

At 06:43 AM 11/13/2007, you wrote:
>mikesz at wrote:
>>too (security and quality never got any space on the project priority
>>list obviously).
> From my experience that is true for 90% of all software projects. 
> Only documentation ranks lower. But using every spanking new 
> unproven technology (especially in Microsoft only shops) ranks very 
> high. And some things just don't want to go away. Yesterday my 
> former employer asked me a question about a DCOM based 
> client/server app that we made years ago. DCOM sucks!
>But back to the original issue, while radical, but how plausible 
>would it be to ditch that code and write new? As long as you know 
>what needs to go where in the database replacing that portion could 
>be done. It may even be faster than to figure out what the old code 
>does, why it is broken, and how to fix it.
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