[nycphp-talk] If/else vs Try/catch

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) ben at
Wed Nov 28 16:18:06 EST 2007

Hello John,

Good point. I started realize that this method
pushes the responsilibty for error handling up the chain,
which is something I sometimes struggle with
with if/else.

Once I really start writing some code, I'll be able
to see the benefits, as I'm sure I'll be happy with
these technique as well.

- Ben

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Zabroski" <johnzabroski at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] If/else vs Try/catch

> --- csnyder <chsnyder at> wrote:
>> Error handling doesn't need to be part of your
>> program logic anymore.
>> -- 
>> Chris Snyder
> Be careful saying that, especially to a newbie.  While
> experienced programmers presumably understand
> statements other experienced programmers like you
> make, a newbie might not understand an overly general
> statement like the one you just made.  I understand
> what you are saying, but it is a gross simplification
> for someone needing deep, penetrating understanding of
> a new concept.
> Error handling does not just magically disappear from
> program logic, even if you use try/catch. In fact, it
> is quite easy for code to fall prey to a Split Cleaner
> bug pattern when using exception handling.  Ken Downs
> posted a "gotcha" with exception handling already.
> Try/catch does not eliminate error handling from
> program logic.  Instead, it does only what it was
> originally designed to do: let the caller of the
> function determine how to respond to a failure
> condition.  Explicitly, the caller has greater
> responsibility in the call chain, because the calling
> function has more contextual knowledge and should be
> more able to recover from failure gracefully.
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