[nycphp-talk] From Rails back to PHP

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Oct 15 12:23:01 EDT 2007

On 10/13/07, Jeff Siegel <jeffmailings99 at> wrote:
> Thought this might be of interest.
> "I spent two years trying to make Rails do something it wasn't meant to do,
> then realized my old abandoned language (PHP, in my case) would do just fine
> if approached with my new Rails-gained wisdom."
> See:
> .html

The comments perhaps are more informative than the article was, as he
barely explained anything in any meaningful detail. Other than "I
tried to do a PHP site in Rails the PHP way, and it sucked." there's
*very* little information in this article.

Perhaps the most amusing was the vi-vs-emacs style debate that raged
for about a week. Personally I see each with their own strengths, and
prefer to make software with the right tool for the job (the old
hammer/drill saying applies here).

However, I can agree with one sentiment that the author has - working
in Rails has made me a better PHP developer, with better application
design and semantics. And PHP has the flexibility for me to go beyond
that world, whether that is good or bad is up for debate though

-- Mitch

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