[nycphp-talk] Application performance optimization

Daniel Krook krook at
Mon Oct 22 17:35:23 EDT 2007

Hi Cliff,

> I am testing my production site, and something seems to be
> very wrong. I just loaded my homepage and it took 53.46 
> seconds. Clearly unacceptable for a production web site. 
> And there should be zero load on the site, since no-one 
> knows about it. One 775 byte image took 23 seconds. A 
> 51byte image took 6 seconds. The main script took 28 
> seconds. Pulling in a 60K javascript file took 10 seconds.
> When accessing the page a second time, where the images 
> and Javascript are pulled from the browser cache, the load
> time is typically a more respectable 250msec ? about what 
> I would expect.
> I know the script is fast ? for the homepage there is 
> barely any load at all. The site seems to be choking on 
> the static content. There are a lot of static images to 
> download... Sure, I expect the static content to take a 
> bit of time to pull in, but 56 seconds?!
> Are there setting in Apache (or elsewhere) that would 
> stall the download of multiple image files? Number of 
> simultaneous connections, etc. Any idea for how to debug 
> this? I can debug php, for a slow static image? I?m clueless...
> Thanks,
> Cliff

Have a look at the site with the YSlow plugin for Firefox.   It tests your 
site agains list of best practices from the performance guys at Yahoo:

You may also experience better performance if you offload your static 
files to a different hostname, e.g., and  
This gets around maximum simultaneous connections to one server in the 
visitor's browser.

Daniel Krook
Content Tools Developer - SCSA, SCJP, SCWCD, ZCE, ICDAssoc.
Global Solutions,

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