[nycphp-talk] Application performance optimization

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Mon Oct 22 17:49:40 EDT 2007

I have people working on it ‹ hopefully they¹ll figure it out.

On 10/22/07 5:21 PM, "Tim Lieberman" <tim_lists at> wrote:

> Sounds like your server is sick.  If downloading a single sub-1k image is
> taking seconds upon seconds, something is seriously wrong.  Do you have full
> control of the server, or is there someone at a hosting company that can look
> at this?  I wouldn't start worrying about apache settings (which are pretty
> reasonable out of the box) until you're sure that there's not some runaway
> process on the box chewing up all sorts of resources, or (probably more
> likely) some local network issue near the server.
> -Tim
> On Oct 22, 2007, at 11:10 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
>>  I am testing my production site, and something seems to be very wrong. I
>> just loaded my homepage and it took 53.46 seconds. Clearly unacceptable for a
>> production web site. And there should be zero load on the site, since no-one
>> knows about it. One 775 byte image took 23 seconds. A 51byte image took 6
>> seconds. The main script took 28 seconds. Pulling in a 60K javascript file
>> took 10 seconds.
>>  When accessing the page a second time, where the images and Javascript are
>> pulled from the browser cache, the load time is typically a more respectable
>> 250msec ‹ about what I would expect.
>>  I know the script is fast ‹ for the homepage there is barely any load at
>> all. The site seems to be choking on the static content. There are a lot of
>> static images to download... Sure, I expect the static content to take a bit
>> of time to pull in, but 56 seconds?!
>>  Are there setting in Apache (or elsewhere) that would stall the download of
>> multiple image files? Number of simultaneous connections, etc. Any idea for
>> how to debug this? I can debug php, for a slow static image? I¹m clueless...
>>  Thanks,
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