[nycphp-talk] [OT] Book search: The best DIV/CSS book?

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) ben at
Wed Oct 24 09:11:47 EDT 2007

> Ben,
> If you're productive and just looking to move over to div layouts, I 
> suggest you query the "CSS Box model" and study that concept first. It's 
> the math behind page layout using divs, and IMHO you need it first in 
> order to be productive no matter how you approach CSS for layout. There 
> are two "box models" described on the web: the CSS box model for HTML 
> elements, and the concept of page layout as a series of nested "boxes".
I believe that's the missing link. I went and got the CSS Mastery book.

> Layout the page box model properly, and everything else seems to flow 
> logically and comfortably. Not completely clear on the box model, and 
> everything can seem like a P.I.T.A.

> This is a very good article on the box model behind CSS, but scan all the 
> pages
> Visual people like this simple demo for the HTML element box model 
> concept.
> and I like to go here for page layouts according to box model (page level) 
> but they are not the latest. For the latest, as always you go to the CSS 
> lists.
> Hope that helps.
It does, thanks! And thanks to everyone else you posted.

- Ben

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