[nycphp-talk] Framework poll

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Sep 3 13:56:45 EDT 2007

On 8/28/07, Mark Armendariz <lists at> wrote:
> Brilliant!! And each will have separate implementations for each database
> (mysql, postgres, oracle, xml, couchdb, etc) and then each of those for each
> OS (linux, windows, palm, hacked wii, etc) and we'll name each
> framework/database/os implementation according to our favorite beers, which
> we'll pick according to our ruby-poll.

Ok then, when do we get started? I can setup pound as an application
proxy to randomly redirect each incoming request to a different
virtual host. I can write the log rotate and analysis stuff in python.
We even get to implement session handlers over and over! I mean, this
*is* what PHP developers like to do, right? hehe

-- Mitch

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