[nycphp-talk] AJAX and State

tedd tedd at
Wed Sep 5 12:10:16 EDT 2007

At 11:52 AM -0400 9/5/07, Dell Sala wrote:
>On Sep 5, 2007, at 11:20 AM, tedd wrote:
>>Just keep the user entering data until the data is correct, then 
>>submit the form via ajax or as one normally would via a form submit.
>>So, I don't see the ajax advantage here.
>The problem with what you're describing is that all your form 
>validation code (business logic) is deployed to the browser as 
>javascript. For serious applications, the server cannot rely on the 
>client to take care of things like validation, because they can 
>easily be bypassed.
>What ajax allows you to do is keep the heavy lifting business logic 
>on the server (where it belongs), but have your web page change it's 
>own state without having to ask the server to redraw an entire 
>document every time it needs some new information, or a calculation 
>For example: you could authenticate a user without having to refresh 
>the page. There is no way to do that without asking the server to 
>verify credentials. Ajax (or some other kind of remoting) is 
>required if you want to avoid a page refresh.
>-- Dell

-- Dell:

Well of course, you never trust anything on the client side and it 
makes sense to do the user input checks client-side and then validate 
on server side, but that's not what we've (at at least me) have been 

The only question I've asked here is what beyond communication 
without refresh does ajax provide and the only answer I've received 
is "nothing", which is what I expect.

Thanks for your time.




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