[nycphp-talk] AJAX and State

Elliotte Harold elharo at
Fri Sep 7 06:14:03 EDT 2007

Dell Sala wrote:
> The problem with what you're describing is that all your form validation 
> code (business logic) is deployed to the browser as javascript. For 
> serious applications, the server cannot rely on the client to take care 
> of things like validation, because they can easily be bypassed.

Of course not, which is why you double validate: on the client to help 
the honest user and on the server to keep out the hackers. This is true 
whether we're using HTML forms + JavaScript, XForms, or Web Forms 2.0. 
Client side validation does not replace server side validation.

> What ajax allows you to do is keep the heavy lifting business logic on 
> the server (where it belongs), but have your web page change it's own 
> state without having to ask the server to redraw an entire document 
> every time it needs some new information, or a calculation performed.

Yes, though that's actually not what Ken was talking about. :-)

Elliotte Rusty Harold  elharo at
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

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