[nycphp-talk] neeed help

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Thu Sep 6 06:55:37 EDT 2007

birgunj birgunj wrote:
> Dear All,
> i need help in the following thing.
> 1. i am uploading ebooks on my website. i want to restrict user from 
> downloading or printing the book.user should only read the document 
> but cant not save or download or printing.
> how do we do  this ?
Impossible, really.  DRM just gets broken. 

If making it difficult is "good enough" -- you could look for a eBook 
system vendor that supports this in their viewer plug-in.  Acrobat might 
even have some features like this, but I really don't know. 

You must be aware that no matter what system you use, someone will 
probably break it, and there will be a hack available for anyone who's 
motivated to find and use.  So these systems are only useful if "make it 
somewhat harder to save/print" is good enough. 
> 2.if any book have four author text box ,i display but i 
> want to display more if neccessary by clicking add author more.
> or
> how to add more choices by press CLTRL.
The best way is probably to use javascript to output new input tags that 
look like:
<input name="authors[]" .../>

and limit the number displayed to four.

Then on the server, loop over $_REQUEST['authors'] and do something with 
the data. Don't forget to repeat your limit of four on the server -- the 
javascript limit is just for nice user experience... you must validate 
the data on the server.
> please help me its very urgent. i am very tense about this.
> thanks to all in advance
Good luck!

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