[nycphp-talk] Emailing files from server

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Sat Sep 8 09:19:05 EDT 2007

Dan Cech wrote:
> I haven't heard of that one, but I've used PHPMailer [1] with great
> success, and I hear SwiftMailer is excellent too (and actively
> maintained unlike PHPMailer and HTMLMimeMail).

I'm not too concerned about active maintenance, since the functions are 
pretty simple.  As I recall, I have only ever had to upgrade 
HTMLMimeMail once when I replaced sendmail with postfix on a server and 
discovered the old version of HTMLMimeMail had a bug in it(it was not 
formatting the headers with the correct carriage return codes.  The old 
sendmail processed it anyway, the new postfix dropped the mail as not 
being formatted properly.  Of course, I only discovered this when the 
client went to send out 800 emails a month later for a mailshot using a 
tool someone else wrote that I was unaware of.  That was a fun  couple 
hours of figuring out how the thing worked to track down the problem.)

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