[nycphp-talk] AJAX and State

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Sep 21 16:33:39 EDT 2007

Hi Elliotte:

On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 05:48:25AM -0400, Elliotte Harold wrote:
> However the fundamental principle is that full auth data must be sent 
> with each request.
> Breaking that rule is going to cost you big time when you need to scale 
> an application.

Basic and Digest auth are slow when it comes to dealing with large user 
bases.  They also increase insecurity, particularly when working over 
non-encrypted connections.  Plus I don't like the idea of keeping 
authentication information in the browser.

Sure, session id's introduce security pitfalls such as session hijacking, 
but that seems less ominous to me than giving out your user name and 
password on each request.

> It very well may introduce single points of failure into 
> your app. You can architect around those, but only at the cost of doing 
> a lot more work with a lot more machines than you would have had to do 
> if your app had followed the design of HTTP instead of working against it.

How is using a session id cookie "working against" the design of HTTP?


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