[nycphp-talk] OT: webmaster test

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Mon Apr 14 15:45:51 EDT 2008

For all the debate (preaching) that has taken place, I honestly
couldn't answer your question without a clearer job description, like
what exactly will be the responsibilities of this new hire?

- jake

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 1:41 PM, André Pitanga <andre at> wrote:
> Hey Jake McGraw,
> > Yes, I was able to answer all of the questions, but
> > had I been given the exam, I would have immediately recognized that
> > this is not the gig for me.
> >
> >
>  Why?  We're not trying to break people down with this test, you know?
>  You sound exactly like the type of candidate we're trying to reach...
> > Maybe I'm not in the norm, but I think it's important that you don't
> > just hire people because they meet certain preset criteria.
> >
>  Totally, absolutely agree.  It's hard to standardize this, though...
>  Multiple choice exams are clearly a poor substitute for subjective
> understanding.
> > Ask them about their
> > hobbies at home, what interests them (personally I like toying around
> > with a Debian install on my NSLU2), I think you'll learn a lot more
> > about a person's talents when you find out what they do in their free
> > time and what interests them.
> >
> >
>  This is true.   My most cherished tech project is, for example, tinkering
> with my slackware workstation at home.
>  So, do you suggest we just scrap the test instead?
>  -André
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