[nycphp-talk] OT: webmaster test

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Tue Apr 15 08:15:36 EDT 2008

Some odds and ends on this test topic, featuring 2 best test scenarios I
can recall:

1) I took a test one time at some big hi-floor Tribeca shop and the
candidate was plunked down at a live workstation in the middle of the
office with staff all around you and you were expected to instantly
learn the folder structure and network. You were expected to use the
office IDE. And you were given basically a PHP assignment of the type
that comes in and you had up to 1.5 hours to do it and save. 

2) At another test, the co. initiated every recruitment with a live
phone interview in which the company chief tech officer grills you live
for 10 - 20 min. on web server maint and PHP coding issues related to
their environment. 

I thought both of these techniques very effective.

And more historically when I managed a 24-hr desktop operation, we had a
3-hour hands on test in which you were put at a workstation, thrown a
big aggressively marked up document and all the assets you would need
for this assignment and you were expected to just do it live using all
the graphics applications and print it out correctly. This hardcore
testing method weeded out the talkers and turned up winners and revealed
in very fine degrees their levels of expertise. 

So I would actually propone a short but rigorous test (maybe with 2 or 3
levels of difficulty) based on exactly how your office works.

Solo mi dos centavos hombres. 
Technology Dir.
Sun-code Interactive 
ps at

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Andre Pitanga
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 9:16 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] OT: webmaster test

Oh, I posed this as a rhetorical question...

Jake McGraw wrote:
> For all the debate (preaching) that has taken place, I honestly
> couldn't answer your question without a clearer job description, like
> what exactly will be the responsibilities of this new hire?
>>  So, do you suggest we just scrap the test instead?
>>  -André
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