[nycphp-talk] Re: Why IT Sucks

paul at paul at
Thu Apr 17 10:33:44 EDT 2008

rada says:

...However, facts are facts - IT people make less than others when compared in terms of education and skills, and you did go a little bit Ayn Rand on us when you said that we should be looking to excel instead of complaining. I'd love to live in a world where working hard gets me a pass to a mountain paradise of prosperity but it's just not the case. Let's face it, we do what we do because we like it... not because we couldn't get more mileage elsewhere on same brainpower.


     I think this is the root cause of the "skilled IT worker" shortage.  I see lots of Generation X'ers leaving the field because they don't see viable paths of advancement.

    Two IT workers I know have gotten into business school because they've had the experience that people just don't take them seriously.  One of them is quite a comic figure these days:  he seems to have deliberately gained 30 pounds and he dyes streaks in his hair so he looks older and more 'experienced'.  The three of all us worked in an organization that practiced a profession that's endangered by the IT revolution:  we didn't have the right degree,  so our opinions just didn't matter -- despite that,  I think we all had better perspectives on where the industry was going than the people who 'mattered' in the organization.

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