[nycphp-talk] Why IT Sucks

Webmaster consult at
Thu Apr 17 11:11:33 EDT 2008

I wish you would have read the fullness of my post. =D

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> Oh I assure you that I'm not "angry or whiny" and am completely 
> sincere, and also assure you that in NYC, secretaries DO make more than 
> 46K...not sure why you found that "angry or whiny", it's simply a fact.
>> Let's be intellectually honest Kristina,
>> It's hard to take your emails with a dose of sincerity, when your 
>> scholarship seems random and a result of passion. Phrases like 
>> "Secretaries make more than this" and posting what you "feel" is the 
>> average income for a particular profession (without citation or 
>> reference), leads the reader to thinking you're angry or whiny.
>> If however you are sincere, I do think that there is a particular 
>> paragraph in Tom's reply that should be of interest:
>>  >Look at what you can do to excel. How are your sales efforts
>>>  (speaking for myself in my experience as a consultant - I always
>>>  dreaded sales, but recently realized that it needs to be embraced, 
> not
>>>  feared)? Professional networking? Who is your customer? Are their
>>>  pockets deep enough? Are you really taking advantage of your
>>>  expertise (are you doing graphics when you are really a DBA at 
> heart)?
>>>  How can you get the work done faster? Can you invest in tools 
> (store
>>>  bought or that you create) to help? Invest in services? People? Can
>>>  you reuse code? Are you tracking problems so that you don't make 
> the
>>>  same mistake again?
>> This paragraph reminds me of a book my friend recommended some time 
> ago, entitled, "What color is your parachute?". The whole concept is 
> not looking to an outside change, when sculpting your small business 
> growth, but looking at your inner development and maturation. And in so 
> doing, specific areas of personal growth will be obviously and easily 
> leveraged to grow your small business substantially. Then, hopefully, 
> it becomes a beautiful cycle of inner growth -> application -> business 
> growth -> inner growth
>> Kristina Anderson wrote:
>>> The salary numbers on that site (46K for an accountant?? 
> Secretaries 
>>> make more than this) seem way low, and I was moreso referring to 
> NYC 
>>> salaries...if my numbers are way off, I do apologize...but I do 
> feel 
>>> that these professions are overall more lucrative to practitioners 
> than 
>>> IT is...
>>> I love these discussions with you guys, I'm not intimidated in the 
>>> least, as you can see, to be a minority in a "male" IT profession 
> (or 
>>> discussion board!)  :)!
>>>> Kristina Anderson wrote:
>>>>> Tom -- 
>>>>> The average corporate attorney makes $200K.  The average attorney 
>>> in 
>>>>> business for themselves makes about the same. 
>>>>>  The average CPA, about 
>>>>> 150K.  
>>>> -- 
>>>> T. Gales & Associates
>>>> 'Helping People Connect with Technology'
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