[nycphp-talk] Why IT Sucks

paul at paul at
Fri Apr 18 11:13:50 EDT 2008

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Trudeau <scott.trudeau at>

Relevant article:

"Why your boss doesn't want you to telework" - Web Worker Daily



    Personally I like going to a some place to work.  When I'm working at home I never know when my work life end and personal life starts.  I like having co-workers.  It's REALLY rough working at home if you're the parent of a young child,  like me.

    For the last few years I've teleworked maybe one day a month,  except for a very little bit of moonlighting.

    The quality of telework can vary a lot.  I know people who've been great teleworkers,  and some who've been a disaster.  I knew one guy who was working on two projects who teleworked for a month,  was very evasive,  and didn't check in a thing into version control in a month of working on my project...  told me he was busy with the other project...  for all I know he told the other guys he was busy on my project.

    I've had very productive days teleworking,  but I often end up doing it when there's a child care glitch,  which means I end up playing a lot of Mario 64, building domino tracks and exploring the creeks on our land.

    I think you see a lot of teleworkers begging for work since they have a harder time getting it and so they have to send out more resumes -- the # of resumes isn't necessarily representative of what fraction of the workforce wants to do.


    I think people in the city have a particular problem of provincialism.  There are a lot of people who'd like to benefit from the economic dynamism of the city who don't want to live there,  or in it's immediate suburbs.  There are things about living in NYC that are unique and wonderful,  but it's not the lifestyle that most Americans want.

    I think of the "New Yorker" cartoon that shows the distorted picture of the world that people in New York have -- upstate New York just isn't in the NYC mental map.  I think New York companies could benefit by establishing satellite offices in upstate cities where the cost of doing business is a fraction of what it is in the city.  They could benefit by forming relationships with contractors within a 300-mile radius,  but it's not an easy sell.

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