[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: webmaster test

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Sat Apr 19 12:17:11 EDT 2008

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008, David Krings wrote:

> 2/3rd of the study time 
> are wasted for English, history, art, and whatever else non-major garbage the 
> universities make students take.

That's very much a US thng. In the UK you're studying your chosen major 
from day one. In certain other European countries the degrees also include 
some job experience (its optional in the UK).

> I got by BS from a german university and 30 courses and labs were on-topic, 
> with 3 electives venturing into less subject related areas. I took mass 
> communication, work safety and technical English. I went on to getting an MS 
> at a US university and there was really only one course that didn't consist of 
> brainless busy work, but challenged one's mind and had one think. Without 
> doubt, that was the course I learned most.

Though a MS takes two years minimum here right?

> Certs are a proof that you are capable of systematic learning and performing 
> when needed, just like a bachelor, master, or doctoral degree. It doesn't say 
> anything how qualified one is for the job and thus shouldn't be generally a 
> requirement unless loss of life and property are directly dependent on that 
> accuracy of the work.

Kind of what I was saying too.


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