[nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the PHP+Developer

Scott Mattocks scott at
Tue Apr 22 12:36:57 EDT 2008

Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> I believe that all of the informal industry-standard acknowledgements
> and accolades that you call for in your note have already been
> informally applied to all the entities that you mention and that this
> informal approved/sanctioned condition has existed for years for PEAR,
>, et al. This has not successfully gelled into a
> reliable, knowable, useable set of standards that makes it possible for
> programmers and managers to have a quantifiable standard to work up to
> and within. I am still in the camp that PHP programmers like realtors,
> financial planners should have an association approved path and tool set
> that ultimately will have more knowable and strongly negotiable pay
> scale. Peter

The fact that we are discussing this is evidence that none of the items 
you highlight are ready to be industry standards and have not received 
enough acknowledgments. When these questions have one and only one 
correct answer, your vision will be a reality:

1) What is the best framework for developing a website in PHP? 
(<rant>Zend Framework is not a framework</rant>. Get some CakePHP and 
Symphony developers in the same room and see if you can get an answer to 
this one)
2) What is the best place for reusable code? (You keep saying 
"". There shouldn't be a slash.)
3) What user group should I belong to in order to get answers to my 
questions? (The answer here is "all of them")
4) Is there a certification that is guaranteed to be respected by anyone 
  I talk to when I go on an interview? (It could be argued that this 
question is not even needed)

The best way to answer these questions is to contribute to the 
projects/lists/whatever to make them better. One will show its merits, 
rise above the others, and become a real defacto standard. Then you can 
ask someone "Do you belong to group X? Do you have certification Y? Do 
you use application/repository Z?" Based on their answers you can make 
the PHP+ determination yourself.

Scott Mattocks
Author: Pro PHP-GTK

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