[nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the PHP+ Developer

mikesz at mikesz at
Wed Apr 23 16:05:21 EDT 2008

Hello Kristina,

You are right.

> --Kristina (B.A., 1985) :)

My B.A. was in 1986.

I am still a little suspicious about certification programs in general
from what I have encountered as a Software Engineering manager even when
I was at Microsoft. I frequently interviewed people with certifications
on their resume that you would have expected that they were
fairly knowledgeable about the area of the certification but in
practice I often found they were not.

Some of this stuff gets ugly. When I went from the East Coast to the
West Coast, I was shocked to discover, for example that certificate
courses were being offered in Quality Engineering that taught only how
to get through an interview with little or no course work in quality
assurance or testing, much like the degree spam you see today.

Proposing a certification process for PHP developers is not a trivial
undertaking and getting a "standard" by which to measure success is a
huge problem, I think. Like the Webmaster thread here in the past few
weeks, its an octopus that will require a significant effort to get a
clear set of boundaries and requirements. Hope it works out but I am
a bit skeptical about it for sure based on other historical factors.

Best regards,
 mikesz                            mailto:mikesz at

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