[nycphp-talk] using PHP mail function on Windows server?

Tim Gales tgales at
Thu Apr 24 13:51:34 EDT 2008

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> Hi everyone --
> My current client's app is a PHP 4 site running on a Windows box (don't 
> ask...I have no idea why).  I'm trying to use the mail() function and 
> the mail isn't cooperating.  
> [...]
> Thanks for any help...
I got this to work once using IIS6 on WindowsXP Prof. which is a lot 
like Windows
Server 2003 (you didn't mention which version Windows you were trying 
this with)

I had the IIS server turned off and used the IIS Manager plugin to point 
the windows
mail server to a Linux mail server relay style. The Linux machine was on 
a private
network but with another public facing interface.

To test it you can
Open a window cmd box and start telnet (set localecho)
and 'open localhost 25'.

You enter 'helo' and get something like '250 10.10.x.x Hello []'
mail from:email at   .                '250 2.1.0 
email at OK'
rcpt to:valid at                   '250 2.1.5 valid at
DATA                                                '354 Start mail 
input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>'
test test test

250 2.6.0 <DESKqjTfLiCiW8St44v00000003 at 10.10.x.x> Queued mail for Delivery

I can mail you the settings for the properties (in the IIS Manager) if 
you want.


T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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