[nycphp-talk] Need suggestions on building a hacker trap...

David Krings ramons at
Tue Aug 12 06:58:11 EDT 2008

mikesz at wrote:
> Hello NYPHP,
> I found the following attempted hack in the access log on one of my sites:
> "GET /index.php?Mode="
> In this case, the hacker didn't gain access to the site because a
> database script failed instead.
> I would like to be more proactive with trapping this and sending the
> results of the trap back to me so I can track and ban IP addresses
> etc.
> I have a procedure that I hacked for previous exploits but am
> interested now in other options that I may not have used previously.

So what exactly does the parameter Mode do? Isn't this line showing that a 
parameter with value got passed to a script with GET? In that case, which 
input validation / processing do your scripts have?


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