[nycphp-talk] calculating state taxes?

Susan Shemin susan_shemin at
Wed Aug 13 20:08:35 EDT 2008

My simple request sure triggered an interested dialog!  Right now customers only pay sales taxes if they are in the same state as where the website business has a physical presense.  J&R online customers only pay sales taxes if they live in NY, not if they live in New Jersey.
New York state is trying to change this and broaden the definition of "presence".  Recently, the AG said if affiliate marketers put links for Amazon on their websites, then Amazon has a "presence" in every state where there's Amazon affiliate marketers (which, of course, is all 50 states).  Amazon actually canceled all affiliate marketers' accounts in New York because of this, and filed a lawsuit against the NY Attorney General.  It still hasn't been completely resolved, but companies like Amazon are very fearful of states demanding sales taxes from all online purchases.
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