[nycphp-talk] [OT] Voting

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Thu Aug 28 22:36:21 EDT 2008

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, tedd wrote:

> You see, we really shouldn't be given the right to vote because we're 
> not that smart. After all, half of us are below average intelligence 
> (by definition). Do you really want to leave your future up to people 
> who's main source of information comes from sound bites?

Then dont talk about the will of the people. Dont mention one man one 
vote. People just stop talking how 'great' this democracy is.
> Besides, even the ones of us who are above average intelligence have 
> no objective source of information but rather must rely on their best 
> guess as to who (the talking heads at CNN and FOX news) is telling 
> the truth AND if what's being reported is actually factual or 
> something feed to them by someone else -- remember Ted Turner was 
> married to Hanoi Jane at one time -- you don't think she had his ear?

I get my news from overseas. The Internet makes this pretty easy.

> The bottom line is we don't know zip about anything other than our 
> quality of life. And, if you're not happy with *your* quality of 
> life, then remember there are two parties who are responsible -- not 
> one. We elected people (both right and left) to improve things, not 
> fight among themselves, blame the other side, and not get anything 
> done, other than pick up their paychecks, have us pay for the heath 
> insurance and secure their outrageous retirements

We all have our differences but the abyssmal past 8 years everyone can 
agree on regardless of your politics.


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