[nycphp-talk] html 5

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Fri Feb 1 12:42:52 EST 2008

Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> Yes. That is correct. My bad. But, further generally to this area. Then
> I was thinking that in a more convoluted way one might yet be able to
> use JS with onkeypress event captures, so that JS could still remain
> valuable here. So that certain keyboard combination events could be
> hooked to send focus to form elements by id. Plausible? Yes? No? Also,
> Flash AS has access key attributes to maybe help meet this need too.
> Peter
It's possible, and I suppose it's being done (it's mentioned in a few 
online references to the html5 deprecation of accesskeys). But the 
advantage of the accesskey attribute is that it works in non-JS 
environments, and that I as a developer don't have to code it. I'm 
hoping it won't come to that.

- Allen

Allen Shaw
slidePresenter (

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