[nycphp-talk] Sporadic problems with forms

Dan Cech dcech at
Fri Feb 1 14:39:56 EST 2008

Michael Southwell wrote:
> Mary Beth Kooper wrote:
>> I have a cmu that I have taken over.  The forms in this cmu are in 
>> frames.  Every once in a while, a 2nd update is submitted to the mysql 
>> database with blank data fields.  
> Are you both using sessions and doing any redirections with header( 
> 'Location... (for example, after validating field content)? If so, you 
> need to carry the session id along with the redirection URI or you will 
> lose your session. That in and of itself will not cause duplication, but 
> it can cause empty data.

This would only be true if you are using non-cookie sessions and relying 
on the session.use_trans_sid directive to pass the session id around. 
If you're using a cookie to store the session id then you don't have to 
do anything special with redirects.


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