[nycphp-talk] JavaScript just above form in body?

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Thu Feb 7 05:43:10 EST 2008

When you have a web document open in Dreamweaver, I kind of recall that
there was a menu interface where you can tell Dreamweaver to associate
an external CSS file with this document(s) and then those CSS rules will
show up in the dropdowns, menus, etc and then the external CSS will
update as expected. Take a look for this. 


Further to the JS, it has long been my impression that all these varying
JS insert positions and insert styles will potentially have an effect on
how and in what order your script(s) may execute:

a) JS script included as an external src file (inclusion order of
multiple src files is significant)

b) JS script(s) in head tag

c) JS (via inline script tag(s) or src ext) just after opening body tag

d) JS (via inline script tag(s) or src ext) within the body before a
target tag(s)

e) JS (via inline script tag(s) or src ext) within the body after a
target tag(s)

f) JS (via inline script tag(s) or src ext) just before the closing body

g) JS (via inline script tag(s) or src ext) just after the closing body


Additionally, CSS that the JS works with may need to be sensitively
inserted with the positioned JS. 


As I say, these are all my impressions only.




From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Susan Shemin
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 11:45 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] JavaScript just above form in body?


Interesting discussion.  I use Dreamweaver as a code editor because of
the intellisense and being able to visually see the page elements.  If
you drag a div with a css class definition, the css updates
automatically if it's in the document between the head tags, which I
love.  I also would like to keep the css in a separate document for
"neatness" sake, but then it doesn't update.


The intellisense gives php tags a bright red so I can see if an end is

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