[nycphp-talk] Joomla Site Home Page Loading Slowly

Randal Rust randalrust at
Sun Feb 10 08:20:38 EST 2008

I know that I could go to the Joomla forums and ask this, but I think
I'm going to get better results here, so bear with me. We just took
over a site for a client that was built in Joomla. Yesterday, the site
suddenly went down as though it was getting a DOS or spam attack. This
continued on to about midnight.

This morning, I noticed something very strange. The only page that
seems to be loading slowly is the home page. If I type the URL of
another page into the address bar, it will load with no problem at

This is a Joomla 1.012e install. Is there anything that I should be
looking at in an attempt to resolve this issue?

Randal Rust
R.Squared Communications

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